GEDCC Economic Insights & Legislative Leaders at Waters Edge Winery & Bistro Dallas
GEDCC Economic Insights & Legislative Leaders at Waters Edge Winery & Bistro Dallas
Monday, March 24, 2025 (5:30 PM - 6:30 PM) (CDT)
Speed Dating with City Council Candidates - Candidates from Districts 2, 9, and 10.
Hosted by Waters Edge Winery & Bistro Dallas. Discount prices will be offered.
This is a forum featuring the 2025 City Council Candidates for Districts 2, 9, and 10. This event will begin with a brief panel discussion where each candidate will get 2 minutes to introduce themselves to all attendees.
Following introductions, we will ask a series of questions pertaining to the mission of our organization and its members with 90 seconds opportunities to respond. It is our hope that this format will allow for a conversation focused on issues. Each candidate will be allotted 2 minutes to close, if time permits. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet you City Council candidates and let your voice be heard!
We will have networking to follow at Waters Edge Winery & Bistro.
Your registration is appreciated. Thanks!

6750 Abrams Rd Ste 105 Dallas TX 75231
, TX United States